The Caro-Kann defense, Tal Variation (Part 1)

Part 2 >>

This variation begins with:

1. e4   c6
2. d4   d5
3. e5   B f5
4. h4 …

White hints to the threat to win a bishop: 4. ... e6 5. g4 B e4 6. f3 h5. If Black plays more careful: 4. ... a6 5. g4 Bd6 then Black has to place the bishop to the less profitable square for it where it occupies the place to develop the Black’s knight. Hance Black should provide a good square to put its bishop in the case of the White’s pawns attack. Thus, Black moves:

                4. …   h6

Nevertheless, White continues an attack:

                5. g4   B e4


Now it’s good for White to continue pressing in the king side:

                6. f3   B h7

And White stymies the Black’s bishop.

However, we consider 6. Nf3 firstly. This is a strategy mistake for White as White lets Black to exchange its “bad” bishop to the White’s “good” knight. The question is that Black should exchange the bishop immediately or a bit later as the White’s knight is pinned to its rock now. Let us look what happens if Black is not in hurry to exchange: 6. … e6 7. N bd2 B x f3 8. N x f3 and White develops its knight to the very good square for it.  => 

Therefore, it is better for Black to exchange immediately: 6. … B x f3 7. Q x f3 e6 8. N c3. And we get the position:  => 

Now Black applies the standard the piece rearrangement for the Caro-Kann defense to develop its pieces (see the red and orrange arrows in the picture above). Again, the question is what of the moves designated by means the arrows to make first. Black should play 8. … c5. Why Black has to move c5 firstly? The fact is that Black may choose other rearrangement depending on the way White plays. This other rearrangement is shown in the picture below (see the red arrows):

In order to make the c6 square vacant for the b knight in the second rearrangement in good time Black has to move c5 in the eighth move. However, we consider the variation with the second rearrangement later. Now we proceed to the variation with the first rearrangement. After 8 … c5 the White’s d pawn is attacked. Thus, White has either to defend this pawn or to take the Black’s pawn by moving dc. The variation with first rearrangement is the case when the White’s d pawn takes the Black’s c pawn. In this case, White lets Black to develop its bishop with winning a tempo as Blacks takes a pawn back and develops its bishop in one move. Thus, the game continues: 9. dc B x c5.

Why the first rearrangement is preferred here? Because it is good for Black to develop its knight to the d7 square now as it attacks the White’s e pawn in this case and White has to spend tempo to defend its d pawn. The game is going on: 10. B d2 N d7 11. Q g3 a6! 12. 0-0-0 N e7 13. f4 Qc7 14. h5 N c6 15. K b1 0-0-0. The “11. … a6” move is important because Black should prevent developing the White’s bishop to the b5 square. Thus, we get the position with the equal chances for White and for Black: => 

Now we consider the variation with the second rearrangement. This is the case when White prefers to defend its d pawn in the ninth move rather than to take a pawn itself. Thus, White plays 9. B e3. Why the second rearrangement is preferred for Black in this case? Because after the pawn exchange, Black develops its knight to the c6 square as well as attacks the White’s e3 bishop. And White has to spend tempo to defend this bishop. Therefore, the game may continue: 9. … cd 10. B x d4 a6. Again the “a3” move is important to prevent developing the White’s bishop to the b5 square.

Now it seems that White may avoid losing a tempo if White makes a long castling because this is castling and defense of the d4 bishop in one move. Thus, White does not spend an extra tempo as Black plans. However, that’s not so ideal for White. If Black develops its knight to the c6 square and then exchanges it to the White’s d5 bishop then the White’s rock has to take the Black’s knight and so to move to the d4 square what is not a good square for the rock at the beginning of the game. It is therefore, there might be better for White to move N e2 after castling so that the White’s knight can take the Black’s knight in this exchange instead of the White’s rock. But, in this case, White spends an extra tempo and Black gets its advantage. Thus, the game continues: 11. 0-0-0 N c6 12. K b1 N ge7 13. Ne2 N x d4 14. N x d4 N c6 15. Q g3 Q b6 (If 15. N x c6 bc 16. B d3 R b8 17 c3 B e7 18. h5 0-0 That’s the game with the equal chances) 16. N b3.  => 

And we get the position:

Now g6 is the strongest move because it allows to develop the bishop both in the e7 and g7 square. Since in the different situation, each of these potion might be best the ”g7”move is prefrred here. The sides may complete development this way: 16. … g6 17. a3 0-0-0 18. f4  Be7 19. B g2. => 

The considered variation begins with:

1. e4   c6
2. d4   d5
3. e5   B f5
4. h4 …

We consider the case:

4. …    h6
5. g4   B e4

Before we consider the case where White plays 6. Nf3. There we make it sure that Black equalizes the position without any special problems. The situation is not so trivial in the case of 6. f3. Let us consider this variation:

6. f3   B h7

Now White continues 7. e6 intending to ruin the Black’s pawn structure and to open its king in the case of Black responds fe sooner or later. If Black avoids the pawn capture then White plans to play ef forcing the Black’s king to take the f7 pawn and to compromise its position.

Assuming Black does not want to destruct its pawn structure the game continues:

7. e6   N f6

Now White has many interesting moves. Here we consider the most popular respond - 8. Bd3 where both White & Black agrees to exchange their white-square bishops that are little useful in this position:

8. B d3     B x d3
9. Q x d3 …

We get the critical position where Black has only one move holding the equal position. This move is the “Q d6” move:

In order to understand why the “Q d6” move is so important let us see what happens if Black plays else. For example, Black pretends that its position is so reliable that it may allow itself any passive move. Say, Black moves 9. … a6.

If so the White’s plans to drop the g pawn (see the green arrows in the picture above), then to implement the knight’s invasion to the g5 square forcing Black to take the e6 pawn (the orange arrow) and, finally, to implement the queen invasion to the g6 square (again the red arrow).  This allows White to win material or to get the position with a decisive advantage. Thus, White plays 10. g5. If Black avoids the pawn capture by moving 10. … N h7 then 11. g6 N f6 12. gf #.  => 

If 11. … fg then 12. Q x g6 #.  => 

To avoid a mate Black has to lose the knight in this case. Therefore, Black plays 10. … hg and the game may continue: 11. N h3 gh 12. N g5 fe 13. Q g6 + K d7 14. Nf7 Q c7 15. N x h8 and Black loses the material.  => 

If 11. … R x h4 then 12. ef + K x f7 13. N g5+ K g8 14. R xh4 and Black loses the rock again.  => 

In this case, the best option for Black is to play 12. … K d7. If so 13. B x g5 R h8 14. N c3 K c8 15. O-O-O N bd7 16. N f4 R x h1 17. R x h1 e6 18. Q g6 Q e7 19. R e1 K b8 20. B h4 K a7 21. N x e6 Q b4 22. a3 Q b6 23. B g3 c5 24. K b1 Q c6 25. B f2 c4 26. K a2 N b6 27. B h4 Q d7 28. N x g7 N c8 29. N e8 N d6 30. N x d6 B x d6 31. B x f6 R f8 32. B e5 B c7 33. B x c7 Q x c7 34. N x d5 and White gets the decisive advantage.  => 

Thus, we understand Black has no any ability for the passive moves like the “a6” move in the critical position. What on earth, let us endow Black for more constructive plan. Say, they move 9. … N a6.

The idea of this move is to capture the e6 pawn without ruining the pawn structure (see the red arrows in the picture above). Now 10. g5 does not work. For example, 10. g5 hg 11. N h3 gh 12. N g5 Q d6 13. ef Kd7 14. N c3 N b4 15. Q d2. And Black gets the equal position.  => 

However, White may find another abilities to benefit from this position. They are the knight maneuver from the g2 square to the e5 square (see the green arrows in the picture above) and the queen attack (also the green arrow). This lets White to drive into a corner the Black’s king together with its warriors and to push the pawns deeply behind enemy lines: 10. N e2 N c7 11. ef + K x f7 12. N f4 e6 13. N g6 R g8 14. N e 5+ K e7 15. N c3 N d7 16. Q h7 N x e5 17. d x e5 K f7 18. g5 B c5 19. gh Q f8 20. h5 R h8 21. Q g6 + K g8 22. B g5 R h7 23. 0-0-0 Qf7 24. f4 Rf8 and White gets the absolutely winning position.  => 

Other idea of 9. … N a6 does not work for Black too: 10. N e2 N b4 11. Q b3 Q b6 12. N f4 N a6 13. Q c3 g6 14. Q d3 R h7 15. N c3 c5 16. B e3 Nb4 17. Q b5 Q x b5 18. N x b5 g5 19. N d3 K d8 20. hg hg 21. 0-0-0 N x d3 22. cd R x h1 23. R x h1 fe 24. R h8 K d7 25. dc a6 26. N c3 R e8 27. N e2 B g7 28. R x e8 K x e8 29. N d4 K d7 30. B x g5 N h7 31. Be3 and White gets a decisive advantage.  => 

Well, the knight development to the a6 square does not help Black. May be the short castling may help Black (see the red arrows).

In this case, the sacrifice of the knight (see the green arrows) helps for White to get the decisive advantage: 9. Q x d3 g6 10. N h3 B g7 11. N f4 0-0 12. g5 N e8 13. gh B x h6 14. N x g6 fg 15. B x h6 R f6 16. N c3 Q c8 17. 0-0-0 Q x e6 18. R de1 Q f5 19. R x e7 N a6 20. Q e3 N ac7 21. h5 R e6 22. R x e6 N x e6 23. hg N f6 24. Nd1 c5 25. dc R c8 26. Q g1 d4 27. Q h2 Q x f3 28. N f2 N x c5 29. B f4 Q h5 30. Q x h5 N x h5 31. R x h5 and White's advantage is undeniable.  => 

If 14. … B x c1 then 15. N x f8 K x f8 16. Q h7 Q a5 + 17. c3 Nf6 18. Q x f7 #.  => 

If 15. … B h6 then 16. Q h6 + K x f8 17. Q h8 #.  => 

If 15. … N f6 then 16. N h7 N x h7 17. ef + K h8 18. R g1 N f6 19. N d2 Q f8 20. R x c1 Q x f7 21. N b3 and Black’s position is hopeless.  => 

The “19. … B x d2” move does not help too: 19... B x d2+ 20. K x d2 N bd7 21. Q g6 Q f8 22. R ae1 e5 23. R x e5 N x e5 24. Q x f6+ K h7 25. Q f5 + K h6 26. Q g5 + K h7 27. de Q h6 28. Q x h6 + K x h6 29. e6 R f8 30. e7 R x f7 31. e8=Q R g7 32. Q h8+ R h7 33. Q f6+ K h5 34. Q g5 #.  => 

If 16. … R x e6 then 17. K f2 N d7 18. R ag1 N f8 19. B x f8 K x f8 20. h5 Q c7 21. hg Q f4 22. R h8+ K g7 23. R h7 + K g8 24. N e2 Q f6 25. g7 N x g7 26. N f4 R e4 27. R gxg7+ Q x g7 28. R x g7 + K x g7 29. fe and White wins.  => 

The “23. … N f8” move does not help too: 23... Nf8 24. B x f8 K x f8 25. R h8+ K g7 26. Q e7+ K x g6 27. Q h7 + K f6 28. R f8 + K e6 29. Q x f5+ K d6 30. R f7 N c7 31. Q e5 #.  => 

And the “25. … N f8” move does not bring anything good: 25... N f8 26. B x f8 K x f8 27. Q h6 + K e7 28. Q g7 + K e6 29. Q f7 + K e5 30. Q e7 + K d4 31. R h4 + N e4 32. fe. => 

We tried the three plans for Black and saw they does not work. Why the “9. … Qd6” move is good for Black. The main idea of this move is to attack the e6 pawn and the ability to take this pawn with a check. Now we will see that these advantages help for Black to reject all the threats form White and to hold the equal position.

Firstly, let us make it sure this move prevents for White to implement its plan they use after the “9. … a6” move and after the “9. … Na6” move. We remember that after 9. … a6 White drops the g pawn and moves the knight to the h3 square to put it to the g5 square. What happens if White uses this plan in the case of the “9. … Q d6” move: 9. ... Qd6 10. g5 Q x e6+ 11. K f1 hg 12. Nh3 R x h4 13. K g2 g4 14. N f4 gf + 15. Q x f3 R g4 + 16. K f2 Q f5 and Black is clearly winning. Morever, the plan after the “9. … N a6” does not work: 9. … Qd6 10. Ne2 Qxe6 and the knight maneuver is stopped.

Thus, the game continues:

9.  ...         Q d6
10. ef +   K x f7
11. N c3 ...

Now Black has three options to continue the game. They are 11. … e5, 11. … N bd7 and 11. … c5. The “11. … e5” move is least preferred. Let us look why: 11. … e5 12. de Q x e5 + 13. N ge2 Q e6 14. B f4 B c5 15. 0-0-0 N d7 16. Q d2 Ne5

In this variation, White applies the strategy to split the Black’s pawn structure. The first step of this plan to double the Black’s b – c pawns. To do this, White attacks the Black’s bishop by moving N a4. Black defends its bishop playing b6 and then after exchange N x c5 bc the Black’s b – c pawns double. Here Black uses that the Black’s knight leaves the d7 square in the sixteenth move and leaves the bishop without defense. That’s why Black has to defend the bishop with a pawn that doubles as the result. This first step is marked by the red arrows in the picture above.

The second step of this strategy is to exchange g – h pawns. To do this, White moves g5, then Black takes hg and White takes hg (see the green arrows).

The White’s queen completes splitting the Black’s pawn structure. To do this, the queen moves along the d2 – a5 – c7 route and takes the c6 pawn (see the orange arrows).

Thus, the game continues: 17. N a4 b6 18. Q c3 R he8 19. N x c5 bc 20. R he1 N c4 21. g5 hg 22. hg N d7 23. K b1 N e3 24. B x e3 Q x e3 25. Q a5 Q x g5 26. Q c7 Q e7 27. Q x c6.  => 

Usually, the game of this variation ends with a rock endgame where White has one pawn more than Black has. Therefore, it often happens (after the rock exchange) that the game comes to an endgame where Black has a queen, and White has a queen and a pawn (because White and Black promote a pawn into a queen): 27. ... N b6 28. N c1 Q f6 29. Q c7 + K g8 30. R x e8+ R x e8 31. Q x c5 Q x b2+ 32. K x b2 N a4 + 33. K a3 N x c5 34. R x d5 R e3+ 35. N b3 N x b3 36. ab R x f3 37. c4 K f7 38. R a5 a6 39. R x a6 g5 40. R h6 g4 41. R h4 g3 42. R g4 K e6 43. R g8 K f7 44. R g4 K f6 45. c5 R e3 46. K a4 K f5 47. R g8 R e4+ 48. b4 R g4 49. R x g4 K x g4 50. c6 K f4 51. c7 g2 52. c8=Q g1=Q => 

This endgame is very difficult to hold for Black though this is a drawish endgame. The original reason of the such kind of troubles is that Black lets White to split its pawn structure. To avoid this situation Black should leave the knight in the d7 square instead of moving it to the e5 square in the sixteenth move. Thus, White loses the ability to ruin the Black’s pawn structure attacking its bishop and moving its queen to the Black’s rear to take a pawn. It is therefore, it’s better for Black to play 16. … R e8.

Thus, the game may continue: 16. Q d2 R ae8 17. N d4 B x d4 18. Q x d4 c5 19. Q d3 d4 20. N b5 N e5 21. B x e5 Q x e5 22. Q b3+ K f8 23. R he1 Q f4+ 24. K b1 a6 25. R x e8+ N x e8 26. N a3 b5 27. Q e6 Q d6 28. Q f5+ K g8 29. h5 Q f6 30. Q d5+ K h7 31. Q e4+ g6 32. hg+ Q x g6 33. Q e7+ Q g7 34. Q e6 Q g6 35. Q e7+ Q g7 36. Q x c5 R f8 37. b3 R x f3 38. Q c6 R e3 39. Q x a6 Q x g4 40. Q a7 + K g6 41. Q x d4 Q x d4 42. R x d4 R e5 43. c4 bc 44. N x c4 R e2 45. b4 N c7 46. N d2 N e6 47. R d6 K f6 48. R d5 N f4 49. R d4 K f5 50. N c4 N e6 51. Rd3 => 

Again, we come to the endgame where White has one pawn more than Black has. However, White and Black has a knight in this game contrast to the previous variation. In this situation, Black prevents the endgame with the queen vs the queen & pawn. As a main conclusion from this analysis, we see that, in the case of 11. ... e5, White achieves the rook endgame (or the rock & knight endgame) where White has one pawn more than Black has. I don’t think that is one what Black wants.

It is therefore, it’s better for Black to play 11. … c5. This is most preferred option for Black. Let us consider this variation.

The main idea of this move for Black is to exchange the queens in the position that is not good for flexible rearrangement of the Black’s pieces in the king side as they are constrained by the pawns and by the lost castling. Black expects the exchange its c pawn to the White’s d pawn. Then Black wants to put its queen to the c4 square suggesting the queen exchange which is the best option for White according to the Black’s plan:

               11. …       c5
                12. dc     Q x c5
                13. Be3   Q c4

Why should White take a pawn in the twelfth move? To understand it let us consider the alternative variations. For example, 12. N ge2 cd 13. N x d4 e5 14. Nf5 Qe6 15. N b5 N c6 16. N c7 N b4 17. N x e6 N x d3 18. cd K x e6 and the chances are equal.  => 

If 12. B e3 then 12. … cd 13. B x d4 e5 14. B f2 N c6 15. 0-0-0 N b4 16. Q e2 d4 17. a3 Q c6 18. ab dc 19. b5 Q c7 20. K b1 cb 21. Q d3 R c8 22. N e2 Q c4 23. Q x c4 R x c4 with the equal game.  => 

If 12. B d2 then 12. … N bd7 13. dc Q g3 + 14. K f1 N x c5 15. Q e2 Q d6 16. K g2 e5 17. N h3 d4 18. N d1 e4 19. g5 R e8 20. gf d3 21. Qf2 R g8 22. B f4 Q c6 23. Rf1 ef + 24. K h1 R e2 25. Q x f3 Q x f3 26. R x f3 R e1 + 27. K h2 dc 28. fg K x g7 29. N hf2 B e7 30. R c1 cd = Q 31. N x d1 R f8 32. R g3 + K h7 33. R e3 R xe3 34. B x e3 with the equal chances.  => 

It’s bad for White 21. cd because 21. … ed 22. Q f1 R e2 + 23. N df2 gf 24. Q c1 Q d5 25. K f1 N e6 26. Q c3 Q x f3 27. Q x d3 Q x d3 28. N x d3 R x d2 29. N hf2 B c5 30. N x c5 N x c5 31. b4 N e6 32. R h3 R hd8 33. N e4 R d1 + 34. R x d1 R x d1 + 35. K f2 R d4 36. R e3 b6 37. a4 f5 38. N c3 R x b4 39. a5 ba 40. N d5 R b5 and Black gets the winning endgame.  => 

If White defends its bishop by moving 27. R d1 then 27. … B c5 28. Q x d3 R x f2+ 29. N x f2 Q x f2#.  => 

The “21. Q e3” move leads to the difficult game where Black should win: 21. Q e3 gf 22. N df2 R g8+ 23. K f1 R g3 24. N g1 dc 25. Q e2 ef 26. Q c4+ N e6 27. N e4 Q e5 28. R e1 R g4 29. N x f3 Q f5 30. R e3 R f4 31. K g2 R d8 32. Q x c2 B c5 33. N d6+ R x d6 34. Q x f5 R x f5 35. R e2 N d4 36. N x d4 R x d4 37. B e1 R g4 + 38. B g3 B d6 39. R e3 R d5 40. R c1 R x g3 + 41. R x g3 R d2 + 42. K h3 B x g3 43. K x g3 R x b2 and Black gets the winning endgame.  => 

It’s bad for White 23. fe because 23. … R x e4 24. Q f3 gf 25. K h2 R e2 + 26. Q x e2 de and White loses a queen.  => 

In the case of 24. Q x f3 White loses the material too: 24. … gf + 25. B g5 hg 26. N x g5 K g6 27. N f2 dc 28. R ac1 fg 29. h5+ K h7 30. Q x c6 bc  => 

The “25. K h2” does not help: 25. K h2 R e2 + 26. K h1 Q x f3+ 27. R x f3 R e1 + 28. K h2 dc 29. N hf2 N e6 30. B g3 B c5 31. R c3 B x f2 32. B x f2 cd=Q 33. R x d1 R x d1  => 

The “25. K h1” is useless too: 25. K h1 Q x f3 + 26. R x f3 R e1 + 27. K h2 dc 28. N hf2 N e6 29. B g3 B c5 30. R c3 B x f2 31. B x f2 cd=Q 32. R x d1 R x d1.  => 

In the case of 28. N hf2 White loses a pawn: 28. N hf2 gf 29. R c1 N e6 30. B g3 R x g3 31. R x g3 cd=B 32. R x d1 R x d1 33. N x d1 B d6 34. N c3 a6 35. N d5 B x g3 + 36. K x g3. => 

If 12. N h3 then 12. … N c6 13. B f4 Q e6 + 14. K f2 cd 15. N b5 R c8 16. c3 dc 17. bc Qd7 18. R ae1 e6 19. K g2 B c5 20. R e2 R hf8 21. R he1 a6 22. N d4 N x d4 23. cd B b4 24. R c1 R x c1 25. B x c1 Q b5 26. N f4 Q x d3 27. N x d3 Bc3 and we get the endgame with the equal chances.  => 

If 13. B e3 then 13. … cd 14. B x d4 e5 15. B f2 N b4 16. Q e2 d4 17. N e4 Q a6 18. Q x a6 ba 19. 0-0-0 N x e4 20. fe Rc8 and White gets the equal position again. => 

Part 2 >>

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